Thursday, January 19, 2012

Student Loan | Lower Your Student Loan Payments | Student loans

January 19, 2012 – 1:09 am

Many students fresh out of college have trouble finding jobs right away. Unfortunately, whether you have the job of your dreams or not, you still have to pay back the money you borrowed. Even if you do get a job right away, it usually doesn’t pay as much as you would like. With a low income, you might have to choose between paying off Student Loans and moving out of your parents’ house. If you have no choice but to live on your own, heavy student loans can be more than a burden. If you can pay them, you are damaging your credit and possibly losing your chance at buying a home.
If you want to lower your monthly student loan payments, consolidation is one avenue you can take. If you have several loans from the government and other sources, you probably have lots of little payments at different rates. You could be paying 6% on one loan and 15% on another. Having different rates and different loans is not only disorganized and chaotic, it could be costing you a lot more money.
When you consolidate your loans, you are putting them all together into one loan to pay back. If you have several loans, you can make the minimum payments and focus more on the high interest loans, but if you can only afford the minimum payments, there is no way to do more quickly get rid of the higher rate loan payments. When you consolidate, you can get one low interest rate. It might not be as low as your lowest rate, but it will hopefully be lower than the average rate, and you will be paying it on the whole loan.
When you graduate, you must pay off your loans if you want to get out of debt and keep good credit. Find the best way possible to do this and save money every month at the same time.
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