Sunday, February 5, 2012

50000 embrace class warfare to avoid paying student loans

Illinois Review: 50,000 embrace class warfare to avoid paying student loanswindow.fbAsyncInit = function() { FB.init( { apiKey: 'a279adbe87e2b3c505e777af99a5260d', xfbml: true } );};( function() { var e = document.createElement( 'script' ); e.async = true; e.src = document.location.protocol + '//'; document.getElementById( 'fb-root' ).appendChild( e );} )();Illinois ReviewThe ReviewAll posts, comments and
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Thursday, January 26, 201250,000 embrace class warfare to avoid paying student loans

WASHINGTON, DC – According to the liberal, more than 50,000 people have signed a petition calling on Sallie Mae to stop charging borrowers a $50 fee for forbearance on their student loans.

Stef Gray, a recent graduate of a public college who took out private student loans through Sallie Mae, is leading the campaign on after being hit with the fee when she asked for a forbearance.

“What Sallie Mae is doing is wrong,” said Gray. “For Sallie Mae to tack on these extra fees just to pad their profits is to kick people like me when we’re already down.”

“What Stef has accomplished in just a few weeks is remarkable,” said Senior Organizer William Winters. “She’s obviously tapped into an issue that a lot of people feel strongly about, especially with student debt rising steadily amid high unemployment among college grads."

Observation: Perhaps if Stef had put as much time into finding a job over the last "few weeks", she wouldn't be defaulting on her taxpayer-funded student loans.

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Comments 50,000 embrace class warfare to avoid paying student loans

WASHINGTON, DC – According to the liberal, more than 50,000 people have signed a petition calling on Sallie Mae to stop charging borrowers a $50 fee for forbearance on their student loans.

Stef Gray, a recent graduate of a public college who took out private student loans through Sallie Mae, is leading the campaign on after being hit with the fee when she asked for a forbearance.

“What Sallie Mae is doing is wrong,” said Gray. “For Sallie Mae to tack on these extra fees just to pad their profits is to kick people like me when we’re already down.”

“What Stef has accomplished in just a few weeks is remarkable,” said Senior Organizer William Winters. “She’s obviously tapped into an issue that a lot of people feel strongly about, especially with student debt rising steadily amid high unemployment among college grads."

Observation: Perhaps if Stef had put as much time into finding a job over the last "few weeks", she wouldn't be defaulting on her taxpayer-funded student loans.

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